a musical 2010 approach to philosophy, sociology and politics

May 20, 2010


Featuring Andy and Genevra-Gallo Bayiates. What if CJLY in Nelson was a commercial radio station promoting sausages? Tune in and hear exactly what it sounds like for Andy to become a member of Kootenay Co-op Radio.
(right click and "save link as")

May 4, 2010

AS2010 :: BROTHERS ::

Featuring the Bayiates Family, with your host, Noam Ash, as the robot fellow member of a fraternity.

(right click and "save link as")

robots by Kelly Shpeley                                                   photo by Andrea Bell

May 2, 2010

AR2010 :: AMERICANS ::

Featuring Andy and Genevra-Gallo Bayiates, with special guests, The Neo Futurists and also Lady M. Hosted by Noam Ash as the robot with a foot on each side of the border.

(right click and "save link as")